Last Updated March 11, 2025

General Information


  • Elite League play is for players born between 2015 and 2018.
  • Teams cannot have players play down in any games in any age group.
  • We schedule 8-games for the season with a 6-game guarantee. Some games may be played on weeknights due to the weather.
  • Spring Season runs from February 15, 2025 to May 11, 2025. (NO GAMES March 14-16, or April 20)
  • Games may be played on Friday nights as part of league play in all locations.
  • Home team wears white or light-colored jerseys. In the event of a uniform conflict, the home team must change or wear cover-ups. If the home team cannot provide an alternate jersey or cover-ups the game will be forfeited.
  • Standings are kept for all age groups.

Game Format

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Scheduling / Forfeits

  • We schedule 8-games for the season with a 6-game guarantee. Some games may be played on weeknights due to the weather.
  • Each team will register for a division and location of play in Plano or Lewisville.
  • Once the schedule is complete, all game information can be found in the team GotSport account or on Elite League website.
  • Scheduler will work around the HEAD COACH’S schedules (up to three (3) teams including the registered teams for this league) regardless the league(s) the coach is playing in. The league does not work around players.
  • After the final schedule is announced, request for reschedule will need to be submitted via Reschedule Request Form and a reschedule fee paid by Tuesday at 5:00 pm prior to the originally scheduled game. No reschedule request will be considered after Tuesday at 5:00 pm prior to the originally scheduled game. Requests made via email or phone will not be considered. Reschedule fee is determined by the amount of days between the request and the game’s play date: $50 if the request is made more than 7 days prior to the game, or $100 if the request is made within 7 days or less of the game.
  • Any team that no-shows or cancels in less than 24 hours of kick-off will be charged $125 Forfeit Fine for 4v4 match or 7v7 match and a $200 Forfeit Fine for 9v9 matches. **Team will not be allowed to play another league game until fees are paid via credit card** 
  • Forfeiting a game, at any time, is unacceptable. But if a game is forfeited, then the forfeiting team will be charged a Forfeit Fine of $125 for 4v4 match or 7v7 match and $200 for 9v9 match – unless Nicole James (nicolej@thepitplus.com) is notified with 48 hours of kick-off. The fee must be paid before the next scheduled game or within 72 hours. Payment is to be made by credit card on file.

Discount Eligibility Policy

  • MUTLI-TEAM DISCOUNT – Save $25 off each league fee of 3+ teams with the same HEAD COACH.
  • Teams failing to pay (league fee) by 11:59 PM on February 14, 2025, will void all eligible season discounts and incur a $50 late fee (unless is an agreement the made with the league director)
  • Teams failing to pay (league fee + late fee) by 11:59 PM on February 22, 2025, will be removed from the season (unless an agreement is made with the league director).

Game Day Paperwork / Requirements

  • Each team is responsible for the EXACT portion of the Referee Fees. Fees are to be paid prior to the kickoff of the game.
  • Each team will need to hand the referee a game report for each game. The game report needs to list each player’s name and jersey number taking the field for that match. ALL TEAMS WILL NEED TO SHOW THE REFEREE A PHOTO OF EACH PLAYER TAKING THE FIELD ON THE GAME REPORT. NO HANDWRITTEN PLAYERS ALLOWED – NO EXCEPTIONS!!
  • Any coach or team manager to be on the coach/player side of the field must be listed on the game report. No more than two (2) adults are allowed on the player’s side of the field.
  • Referees will return all game reports with game scores to the teams. It is the teams’ responsibility to verify the scores are correctly written on the match card BEFORE leaving the pitch. Once the scores are confirmed, the WINNING team will use the QR code at the top of the match card and enter the scores. All information to enter scores is on the match cards. If an incorrect score is entered, please email Nicole James (nicolej@thepitplus.com). You will need to keep the match card for the entire season in the event of an issue.
  • If a card is issued during the match, the referee will keep the game report. All cards are recorded and tracked for all games played.

Player Eligibility


  • The player can be registered at any local soccer association within North Texas Soccer. **Registration fees differ by association.
  • Teams that play ineligible or unregistered players could forfeit any matches in which the ineligible player(s) played.
  • Players may “Play Up” to an older division but may NOT play in a younger division.
  • Girls teams may play in a Boys division, but Boys teams may not play in a Girls division

Playing Rules

  • There is no heading in Elite League for all age groups.
  • There is offside for the playing format of 7v7 and 9v9. There is NO offside for the 4v4.
  • All U7s and U8s will do throw-ins – NO KICK-INS.
  • There are NO keepers in the 4v4 playing format. ALL players must be active and involved in the play.
  • There is no punting for the playing format of 7v7. The keeper can release the ball by throwing, rolling the ball outside of the goalie area or placing the ball on the ground and kicking the stationary ball. The ball may NOT be moving before the kick is taken. ALL opposing players must be behind the build out line. Once the ball is placed on the ground by the keeper for a stationary kick, the ball becomes live in play once the ball makes a forward motion.
  • There is no heading for U9-U10 playing 9v9. There is offside and punting is allowed.
  • All substitutions are at the sole discretion of the referee. A referee can or cannot allow an opposing team to substitution while a substitution is taking place. A referee must allow a substitution on all goal kicks and kick-offs. Referees must be notified of a keeper change BEFORE the new keeper takes the field of play.
  • At NO time shall anyone enter the field of play without referee permission. If anyone enters the field of play without permission from the referee, the person violating the rule can be dismissed from the complex.
  • SIT-OUT – When a referee ejects a player, coach or spectator from the game, the referee must complete a Misconduct Report and notify the League Director immediately after the game. The player or coach sent off will be required to sit out the next game played. Fighting requires a two-game sit-out. A SIT-OUT VERIFICATION FORM must be completed during the game in which the player/coach is sitting out. The coach fills out the form and the referee must sign off on the form. The form must be emailed to Nicole James (nicolej@thepitplus.com) for verification. The League Director has final say over game day sit-outs. The person sent off must leave the complex immediately. Coaches and managers are responsible for the player’s and parent’s behavior. A “ZERO-TOLERANCE” POLICY FOR SIDELINE MISCONDUCT WILL BE ENFORCED FOR THESE GAMES. THIS INCLUDES INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE, RACIAL SLURS, OR VERBAL ABUSE TOWARD REFEREES, PLAYERS, AND GAMES OFFICIALS ON AND OFF THE PLAYING FIELD. Anyone found to be in violation of the zero-tolerance policy will be removed from the complex and not allowed to re-enter.


  • Scores and standings are kept for all age groups, and can be found here. Awards are not issued in academy play as rosters are not locked during league play.
  • Each team shall be awarded three (3) points for a win, one (1) point for a tie, and zero (0) points for a loss. A forfeit shall be considered a 3-0 loss for the forfeiting team and a 3-0 win for the non-forfeiting team. The Elite League Director, and only the Elite League Director, may declare an EL match a forfeit based on the director’s review of the facts and circumstances, and at the director’s discretion.
  • The standings for Elite League will be based on the Points per Game from league play. The following tiebreakers will be used for resolving ties between EL Teams:
    • Two Teams: Total points earned in head-to-head games
    • Three teams or more, in order: (A) Goal Difference, (B) Goals For, (C) Goals Against

Weather Policy

When inclement weather is in the area, teams will be notified to postpone games and ALL members are to go to their cars – NOT THE CONCESSION STANDS. Only field staff and referees remain at the concession building. NO other players, spectators, coaches, etc. should be at the concession area and they should remain in their cars in the parking lots until a change is made in the status of the playing conditions. Once the “all clear” is given and it is safe to take the pitch, the games will resume if enough time permits. Any game that has a 30 minute or more delay will NOT play and be rescheduled. Once the game is rescheduled, the game will play as a new game. Any game that has completed a second half kick-off will be considered a game played and will be scored as such. 

The latest information regarding weather updates and field conditions can also be found by calling (469) 476-2982

Website Field Status – Here

Referee Fees


Referee Fees can be seen here.

  • Each Team is responsible for the exact portion of the referee fees.
  • Fees are to be paid to referees prior to kickoff of each game.

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct applies to all coaches, players and parents/guardians participating in Elite league. Our goal is to promote a safe, respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone.

1. Coaches’ Code of Conduct

Coaches are role models and are expected to uphold the highest standards of sportsmanship and leadership. They must:

  • Respect all players, referees, and opponents at all times.
  • Encourage fair play and teamwork over winning at all costs.
  • Communicate positively and avoid yelling, profanity, or demeaning language.
  • Ensure player safety, including proper hydration and injury prevention.
  • Refrain from arguing with referees or league officials.
  • Follow league rules and policies, including substitution guidelines.
  • Report any misconduct or safety concerns to league officials.

Violations may result in: warnings, suspensions, or removal from Elite League.

2. Players’ Code of Conduct

Players are responsible for representing themselves, their team, and the league with respect. They must:

  • Play fairly and respect teammates, opponents, coaches, and referees.
  • Follow game rules and accept referee decisions without argument.
  • Avoid aggressive behavior, such as fighting, bullying, or taunting.
  • Encourage teammates and demonstrate good sportsmanship, win or lose.
  • Respect the equipment, facilities, and playing field at all times.
  • Communicate concerns to their coach or league officials in a respectful manner.

Violations may result in: warnings, suspension, or expulsion from Elite league.

3. Parents’ & Spectators’ Code of Conduct

Parents and spectators play a vital role in creating a positive environment. They must:

  • Encourage all players with positive reinforcement, regardless of skill level.
  • Respect referees’ decisions and refrain from arguing or confronting officials.
  • Refrain from coaching from the sidelines—let the coaches do their job.
  • Set a good example by demonstrating sportsmanship and patience.
  • Avoid using profanity, threats, or aggressive behavior at games and practices.
  • Follow league policies regarding sideline behavior and interactions with coaches and officials.
  • Address concerns appropriately by speaking with league officials rather than causing disruptions.

Violations may result in: verbal warnings, game suspensions, or bans from attending games.

Enforcement & Consequences

The league takes misconduct seriously. Depending on the severity of the offense, disciplinary actions may include:

  • Verbal or written warnings
    • Minor violations may result in a warning to the individual or team, providing them with an opportunity to correct their behavior.
  • Temporary suspensions (games or full season)
    • A temporary suspension from games can be enforced for more serious violations, whether it’s a player, coach, or parent
  • Disqualification:
    • For severe or repeated violations, an individual (or even a team) may be disqualified from participating in future games or seasons
  • Permanent Banning:
    • In extreme cases, an individual may be permanently banned from the league, especially for repeated or violent conduct.

All concerns should be reported to league officials in writing. The league reserves the right to review incidents and enforce penalties accordingly.

By participating in the league, all coaches, players, and parents agree to uphold this Code of Conduct. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.

Let’s work together to make this a fun and respectful environment for everyone!


A list of our locations and field maps can be found here. Elite League may not use all of the listed fields.


Nicole James

Director of Elite League

(469) 951-2297


Shirley Rodrigues

Elite League Member services

(469) 949-9164


League Partners