Weather policy
Frisco Outdoor
Weather Procedures:
The referee, the PIT Frisco League Director or onsite PIT Frisco manager may postpone a game because of weather or field conditions. Their decision will be based on the conditions of the playing field, player safety and well-being, or in accordance with the policies and procedures of the PIT Frisco.
Teams MUST report to the playing fields ready to play unless previously OFFICIALLY NOTIFIED by the League Director or onsite PIT Frisco manager/staff.
- Operations: When a probability of lightning is detected within 10-miles of Performance Indoor Training – Frisco facility, PIT Management will notify any game either in progress or about to start/resume play. When the threat of no longer detected, PIT Management will notify it is safe to return and resume play.
- Detection: Lightning in the area is monitored by WeatherSentry (download for iOS or Android)
- Game Policy: As soon as the notification is made, all outdoor games will be immediately stopped. Players, officials, and spectators must leave the field of play immediately and seek shelter for the duration of the threat (cars are strongly suggested as the space inside the indoor facility may be very limited by ongoing games). Should the referee(s) feel that a potential threat is present, they have the authority to stop the game(s) before being notified by PIT Management.
Since there is no way to determine how long the threat will last, the following rules will apply for all outdoor games (Indoor games will continue as scheduled), regardless of who stops play (PIT Management or referee):- Any game not started will be delayed 30-minutes. Should the threat no longer exist and (a) all clear is given within 30-minutes, the game will start or (b) delayed beyond the 30-minutes from initial kick-off time, the game will be considered canceled, and every effort will be made to reschedule the game (subject to time constraints and field availability)
- Any game being played and stopped before the completion of the first half will be considered canceled and every effort will be made to reschedule the game (subject to time constraints and field availability).
- Any game being played and stopped after the completion of the first half will be considered PLAYED and will NOT be rescheduled. The score will count as it stands.
playing conditions:
For summer play, heat becomes a factor. For this reason, PIT Frisco’s guidelines follow US Soccer Heat Guidelines and uses the wet bulb globe temperature instead of the heat index as wet bulb globe temperature is the value for working in direct sunlight.
In the event of hot weather, PIT Frisco will use the following chart to determine wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT):

For winter play, cold weather becomes a factor. Field conditions may be affected by freezing rain, sleet, and snow. The ground may become frozen and be unsafe for play. A wet and windy 30-50 F degree exposure can be as serious as a subzero exposure. For this reason, PIT Frisco’s guidelines follow US Soccer Cold Weather Guidelines and uses the wind chill temperature instead of the ambient temperature.
In the event of cold weather, PIT Frisco will use the following chart to determine the wind chill temperature (WCT):

Performance Indoor Training reserves the right to modify weather policy at their discretion and will update the website accordingly in the best interest of our guests. Check this page for up to date closure information of our outdoor facilities.